Get your clients to do the talking for you by filming testimonial videos that you can share with prospective clients. Our videographers are able to film in any location you choose, such as a client’s home or business premises. Professional case study or review videos will be sure to impress your viewers and help them understand what makes your business special.
Allowing people to see and hear experiences from your clients is one of the most effective ways to establish credibility in any industry. At FilmFolk we create testimonial videos for businesses to showcase their clients’ real experiences, providing potential customers with authentic insights. Whether it is a customer success story, a video review, or a discussion-style endorsement, every testimonial video we create is done with professionalism and clarity.
Our testimonial filming services are fully adaptable to different situations. For example, we can film at a client’s office, shop, factory, or any other setting that fits their story. We understand that their environment can play a key role in reinforcing the integrity of your client’s review. Therefore every aspect, from location to lighting to sound, is carefully managed to ensure the final footage is clear and engaging. Once the filming is complete, we can refine your footage to create a powerful testimonial video that is polished yet natural. Titles, branding, and graphics can be incorporated to align with your organisation’s visual identity. Whether you require a single review video or a collection of client endorsements, we can tailor each project to meet your specific needs.
We recognise that every business has different budgets, so we offer flexible pricing structures, including hourly rates and package deals to suit. Our focus is always on delivering high-quality content that feels genuine and resonates with your audience. A well-crafted testimonial film is a powerful tool for any business. So, if you are looking for expertly produced client review and testimonial filming, our team at FilmFolk is ready to assist.
We provide fast turnaround with your photos & video files in just 48 hours
You can check availability and make a booking 7 days a week
We are a genuine business with a fully equipped studio in London with regional hubs
We offer a choice of flexible hourly rates, package deals & monthly plans
All work is carried out by our in-house professionals. We are not an agency or directory site
More and more people are choosing our professional video and photography services. Find out why!
Book professional filming for any type of project or event. Flexible, pay-as-you-go rate. Price excludes travel.
Book professional photography for any type project or event. Flexible, pay-as-you-go rate. Price excludes travel.
Book a CAA licensed drone pilot for any type of project or event. Flexible, pay-as-you-go rate. Excludes travel.
Book our studio editing services to create professional content for any type of project. Clear up-front costs.
Book our reliable livestreaming service for broadcast quality coverage of any event. Price excludes travel & set-up.
Book our talented screen presenters for your video project to give it an engaging & professional feel. Price excludes travel.
Enjoy a collection of iconic images specially created for you in a custom 1-hour photoshoot at your favourite London location/s. More options available.
Get high quality portraits done in the comfort of your home, office or our London studio. Includes 1-hour session in London with pro lighting & backdrops.
Power up your presence on social media with a professionally shot & edited 30-second 'reel'. Includes 1 hour of filming in London. More options available.
Enjoy your pictures at their best! We will design and print a luxury 20-page coffee table book featuring all your favourite images. Large 12 x 12" format & case.
Immortalise your event with professional 4K filming and a dynamic 1-minute highlights edit. Includes up to 2 hours filming in London. More options available.
Share your event privately anywhere in the world with our reliable 4K broadcast streaming. Includes full installation & up to 1 hour of live coverage in London.
Flexible cost-effective plan for regular filming, photography & editing work. Priority on-demand resources up to 10 hours per month.
Flexible cost-effective plan for regular filming, photography & editing work. Priority on-demand resources up to 20 hours per month.
Flexible cost-effective plan for regular filming, photography & editing work. Priority on-demand resources up to 40 hours per month.
Flexible cost-effective plan for regular filming, photography & editing work. Priority on-demand resources up to 80 hours per month.
We'll create some amazing images for you in this 1.5 hour photoshoot at an iconic London location. More options available.
Enjoy high quality portraits in your home or office with a 1 hour mobile studio session in London. More options available.
Power up your presence on social media with a professionally shot & edited 30 second 'reel'. Includes 1 hour filming in London. More options available.
Immortalise your event with professional 4K filming and a dynamic 1-minute highlights edit. Includes up to 2 hours filming in London. More options available.
Enjoy your pictures at their best! We will design and print a luxury 20-page coffee table book featuring all your favourite images. Large 12 x 12" format & case.
Share your event privately anywhere in the world with our reliable 4K broadcast streaming. Includes full installation & up to 1 hour of live coverage in London.
All your filming, photography or editing work produced on-demand. Includes up to 40 hours of studio resources per month
All your filming, photography or editing work produced on-demand. Includes up to 80 hours of studio resources per month
Book our professional videography service for as long as you need on any project.
Book our professional photography service for as long as you need on any project.
Book our studio editing service to create professional content for any type of project.
Book our livestreaming service for broadcast quality coverage as long as you need on any event.
Book our talented presenters by the hour for engaging results on any video project.
Book our professional drone service for as long as you need on any project.
All your filming, photography or editing work produced on-demand. Includes up to 10 hours of studio resources per month.
All your filming, photography or editing work produced on-demand. Includes up to 20 hours of studio resources per month.
Book our professional drone service for as long as you need on any project.
Book our livestreaming service for broadcast quality coverage of any event.
Get some amazing personal images with our custom 1.5 hour photoshoot at your favourite London location. More options available.
High-quality portraits done in your home or office. Includes a 1-hour mobile studio session anywhere in London.
Power up your social media with a professionally shot & edited 30 second 'reel'. Includes 1 hour of filming anywhere in London.
We design & print a luxury 20-page coffee table book featuring your favourite images. Size 12 x 12" includes case & UK delivery.
Immortalise your event with 4K filming & studio editing of a 1-minute highlights film. Includes 2 hours of filming anywhere in London.
Share your event anywhere with our 4K broadcast streaming. Includes full installation & up to 1 hour of live coverage within London.
All your filming, photography and editing needs fulfilled on-demand. Up to 10 hours of studio resources month.
All your filming, photography and editing needs fulfilled on-demand. Up to 20 hours of studio resources month.
All your filming, photography and editing needs fulfilled on-demand. Up to 40 hours of studio resources month.
All your filming, photography and editing needs fulfilled on-demand. Up to 80 hours of studio resources month.
FilmFolk was launched in 2017 by Andrew Cussens an award-winning director and producer. FilmFolk specialises in high quality videography and photography services for corporate and private clients. We employ a handpicked team of talented professionals who are passionate about producing great work. We put heart and soul into everything we do and our biggest motivation is receiving 5 star feedback from our clients!
We assign staff to your project according to the type of project and the skills required. All of our team members are very experienced and operate to the highest standards of professionalism. As a studio we handpick each team member and support them in their work. We have the resources to ensure our team can deliver even the most challenging projects!
Yes we can. We offer full studio editing services backed by our in-house facilities. Rates are £49/hour and we offer fixed charges for a wide range of popular options. You can book editing at the same time as your filming or separately at a later stage.
Yes, depending on the type of project you can make a booking up to 72 hours beforehand without surcharge. However, do be aware our diary gets very busy, so our videographers and photographers are subject to availability. We strongly recommend booking at your earliest opportunity. This also helps avoid hasty last-minute discussions about your project with our team!
Our videographers and photographers are available throughout the UK. The FilmFolk studio is based in central London WC1 where we have a core team of staff. In additon, other team members work remotely across the country so we can field local projects. Our editing services are not location dependent, so these are available to clients anywhere in the world!
Yes. After your booking is confirmed and a team member assigned, they will contact you to introduce themselves and gather detailed planning information. If your booking is made further in advance, your project will be assigned around a month beforehand. In this case our team will be in touch then.
Yes we do. You can book a photographer on their own or alongside any other option. Each service is performed by a separate professional. Just select what you need when making a booking request. Please note our crew do not 'multitask' between different roles (eg our videographers don't also 'take pictures'). This is to ensure staff are fully focussed and you enjoy reliable results.
No problem! You may cancel your booking within 14 days of signing our contract for a refund. Provided no project work has taken place and there are at least 7 days remaining before the start time of your project, you will receive a full refund, less 10% to cover our admin and card payment costs. Otherwise a 50% cancellation fee will apply (min £250) which covers our pre-production costs and the commitment of staff and resources to your project date/s.
If you would like to send us an email, please Click Here. We normally respond within an hour during office hours (Mon to Fri 10am-6pm)
If you would like to speak with one of our support staff, call us on 0800 952 044 during office hours (Mon to Fri 10am – 6pm)
If you would like to chat with us online, please Click Here. We typically respond within a few minutes during office hours (Mon to Fri 10am – 6pm)
If you would like to book us, please Click Here. You can check availability and make a secure booking 24 hours a day.
Click the button below to send us an email. We usually respond within a few hours. Our office is open 10-6pm weekdays.
If you would like to speak to our friendly team, call us on 0800 952 0444. Our office is open 10-6pm weekdays.
Send us a quick message via our chat interface. It's not a bot, so a real team member will respond as soon as we're free!
For enquiries about prices and availability, click on the button below to provide your details. We usually respond within a few hours.